Saturday, April 28, 2007

One Worldism? Sure!

But which "one world?"

I like George Monbiot. He's a useful barometer of the next flash in the pan. Back on Tuesday, he wrote:

The campaign for a UN parliamentary assembly is being launched this week on five continents. It is backed by nearly 400 MPs from 70 countries, a long and eclectic list of artists and intellectuals - among them Günter Grass, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Alfred Brendel and Arthur C Clarke - several government ministers and party leaders, including our own Ming Campbell, six former foreign secretaries, the president of the Pan-African Parliament and a former UN secretary general. After 160 years of ridicule, Tennyson's crazy idea is beginning to look plausible.

Read it all.

My take? No thanks.

Let's do the heavy lifting first, the enfranchising later.

I'm getting old; I don't want to live through the horrors of democracy.

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